About Us

Claims Assistance advisers have a wealth of experience and knowledge in personal insurance products, and negotiating claims with insurers for clients. Claims Assistance have strong relationships with insurance companies and know exactly who can help with your insurance claim.
Due to unforeseen illness late last year and earlier this year, I had to take a period of time off work. Greg went through the entire process of claiming income protection for me. He simplified the process from my end completely which meant that I experienced none of the stress I thought I would in making the claim. He completed the process very quickly and in no time at all, I received my compensation. I would highly recommend his services if you want to simplify the process of claiming income protection

Larry, Market Researcher

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About Claims Assistance

We have had some results that insurance companies have confided that they would never have offered anyone else. These results have been testament to the hard work, research, assistance and relationships we have and are able to provide.

As we are not solicitors, Insurance companies like dealing with us and are happy for us to work with them to seek a resolution for our clients.  This is because we approach each matter in a non-adversarial and conciliatory manner.

We also take the time to understand in detail what you are enduring, so we can empathise with you.  This provides us with a much stronger understanding and background.  This  allows us to turn you from writing on a page to a detailed story, ensuring your complete situation is known to your insurer.  


The cost of our service varies depending on the assistance required. We can normally determine the cost after an initial telephone or face to face conversation and review of your policies (which we will not cost you anything). Depending on your situation we may charge an hourly fee, a fixed amount or agree on some other arrangement. We can determine this after we discuss with you your situation. We generally only charge on the successful completion of a claim, so our success is contingent on your success. 

Our clients have always been very happy to pay as it is a result of their delight at their claim being paid.

Contact us or call 02 9388 9199

Where You Can Find Us

Claims Assistance is located in Sydney, however we can provide help to anyone in Australia. If you need help processing an insurance claim and are not able to come to us, we are happy come to you. There is no bridge we will not cross!

How Insurance Claims Assistance Works

Insurance Claim Meeting Sydney

Initial discussion

We schedule an initial discussion where we spend the time to understand your health issues, find out about your history and learn how your life is effected.

We then help you understand the claims process, timings, costs and what you can expect when dealing with your insurance company or companies.

Preparing your insurance claim

We work with you to prepare your insurance claims. We assist in gathering the information required by the insurance company. We liaise with your insurer(s) to determine what extra information they might need. We take extra time during the preparation process to save time during the assessment process.

We know what insurers need to properly assess your insurance claim. We make sure we gather as much information up front as possible to cut down on decision time.

We'll follow up to make sure your claim is processed quickly, so you can focus on your health.


Case Studies

Check out some of our past work to learn more about how we can help process your insurance claims. If you’ve been through a traumatic life event and need your insurance payout pronto, we’re here to help!

Parkinson's Disease

Case #1 – 53 year old male who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease who had  three retail superannuation funds all with TPD insurance and income protection insurance. Claims Assistance was able to secure all TPD benefits paid, access to superannuation under the early release provisions, and access to income protection. The value of these benefits were approximately $350,000.

Case #2 – 36 year old male who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease who had two retail superannuation funds where one contained TPD insurance. Claims Assistance was able to secure the TPD benefit paid and access to superannuation under the early release provision. The value of this benefit was approximately $700,000.

Case #3 – 49 year old male who was insured under a mutual policy that provided a TPD style benefit payment (the mutual fund was not an insurance company though presents similarly.) Claims Assistance was able to secure this TPD benefit was paid. The value of this benefit was approximately $800,000.


Case #1 – 54 year old male with one corporate superannuation fund that contained TPD insurance, income protection insurance and a defined benefit scheme for the superannuation balance. Claims Assistance was able to secure the TPD benefits paid, ensure the income protection insurance was paid following the completion of all employment entitlements (accrued sick leave, annual leave and long service leave), and access to superannuation under the early release provisions. The value of this benefit was approximately $1,000,000.

Case #2 – 48 year old male with aneurysm/stroke. Claims Assistance was able to secure the early release of superannuation within 3 weeks.

Case #3 – 56 year old female with one industry fund. Claims Assistance was able to secure the TPD benefit paid and access to superannuation under the early release provision. The value of this benefit was approximately $150,000.

Motor Neurones Disease (MND)

45 year old male with one retail superannuation funds that both contained TPD insurance. Claims Assistance was able to secure both TPD benefits and access to superannuation under the early release provision. The value of this benefit was approximately $1,300,000.

Mental Health

39 year old female with depression/anxiety with one corporate superannuation fund containing TPD insurance. Claims Assistance was able to secure the TPD benefit paid and access to superannuation under the early release provision. The value of this benefit was approximately $350,000 and took 4 weeks.

Lung Disease

Case #1 – 58 year old male with chronic lung disease with one retail superannuation fund containing TPD insurance and income protection insurance. Claims Assistance was able to secure the TPD benefit paid, to secure income protection payments which were back dated and access to superannuation under the early release provision. The value of this benefit was approximately $1,200,000.

Case #2 – 62 year old male with emphysema with one retail insurance policy containing life and TPD insurance. Claims Assistance was able to secure the TPD benefit paid. The value of this benefit was approximately $800,000.


Case #1 – 58 year old make with lung cancer with one retail insurance policy. Claims Assistance was able to secure the trauma benefit paid. The value of this benefit was approximately $180,000. This was paid in 7 days from submission of the claim.

Case #243 year old female with breast cancer with one retail insurance policy. Claims Assistance was able to secure the trauma benefit paid. The value of this benefit was approximately $300,000. This was paid in 5 days from submission for the claim (and is a record!)

Case #353 year old male with bladder cancer with one retail insurance policy. Claims Assistance was able to secure the trauma benefit paid. The value of this benefit was approximately $400,000. The claim was initially declined as the insurer had based their decision on incorrect information.

Case #4 – 35 year old female with thyroid cancer with one retail insurance policy. Claims Assistance was able to secure the trauma benefit paid. The value of this benefit was approximately $280,000.

Have a question about TPD insurance Sydney? 

I have been a customer of Greg and would recommend him for his services in personal insurance.  He has worked hard as the intermediary with my insurance company and has come up with an excellent result given the circumstances of my situation. It is most unlikely I would have had this outcome without his assistance.

James, Doctor